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D| Wbsync

How to setup a data sync from WooCommerce to Myob Account Right

With this integration, you can automatically sync inventory and orders.

Woocommerce Automation

About this data sync

With this integration you can sync your data from WooCommerce to Myob quickly and easily. Depending on your setup, you can choose what data is synchronised and when. You have the choice to sync order data depending on the order status in WooCommerce as well as Inventory information.

When an order is created by a shopper in WooCommerce, Wbsync will find it and depending on your settings, it will create a new order in Myob, including all the customer information and stock information. If you choose, you can also send payments to directly from WooCommerce into Myob.

When an order is synced to Myob, you have the choice to send a new customer to Myob or use a generic customer. Tax from WooCommerce is also handled with all your Mypb tax codes flowing into the sync frontend dropdowns.

You can sync your inventory data in both directions, that means from WooCommerce to Myob or the otherway around.

How do I setup WooCommerce in Wbsync?

As long as WooCommerce is installed in Wordpress, it's ready to use.

1. From the left menu, select connections

2. Click the Add New button at the top. From the list of options, select WooCommerce and then give it a name in the label field. This will be used for display only so just make it meaningul. This can be changed later.

3. In the connection settings screen, enter your shop URL like https://shop-page.com

4. If it is a valid URL, the message will let you know by showing Valid URL.

5. Click the Connect WooCommerce button. It will redirect you to your WooCommerce store and ask you to login if you're not already logged in. Go through the process and grant Wbsync access to your store. This is so we can sync your order data as they are created.

6. After you have authorized WooCommerce, you will be returned back to Wbsync. This can now be used for a data sync with another system like Myob.

What can Wbsync connect and intergrate data with Myob?

We intergrate Myob Accounts Right with the following platforms:


WooCommerce is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms based on Wordpress. More info here.


Unleashed is an advanced inventory management system. More info here.


Microkeeper is anadvanced payroll system. More info here.

What can you connect to with WooCommerce?


Unleashed is an advanced inventory management system. More info here.

Triump ERP

Triumph ERP is an advanced accounting platform for small to medium businesses. More info here.

Reckon Accounts Hosted

Reckon Accounts Hosted is an online accounting software with comprehensive features. More info here.

What other connections do you have?

We work with a range of different platforms and accounting systems including Shopify, Unleashed, Xero, Myob, Quickbooks.. the list goes. If there is something you would like but don't see, let us know!

You can find all our connections here:

Wbsync Connections

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Based on 5 minutes per manual entry, your cost savings are:

Time Frame Saving
Month $100
Year $500

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